気になる企業 – EirGenix, Inc. 台湾で最も技術力のあるBiologics CDMO – Sandozとの共同研究でBiosimilar開発 [2020/05/29] ID16405

EirGenix, Inc.

  • 2019/06/18に台湾市場に上場(株式公開)しました source

台湾のBiologics CDMOで、最も技術力のあるCDMOの1つで、且つ、バイオテクノロジー企業です。

  • Employee : 182



trastuzumabは、中外製薬がオリジナルで、ハーセプチンという製品名です。Sandoz からの委託契約でtrastuzumabのbiosimilarをin houseで開発しています。2019/4現在、世界11カ国でPhase IIIが実施されています。Sandozとの契約では、Sandozは、中国、台湾を除く全てのグローバル市場において、EirGenixのEG12014の独占的な商業的権利を所得しました。2019/6には、EirGenixは、この契約の成功報酬として$500万を受け取っています。



  • セルトリオン・ヘルスケア・ジャパン
  • pfizer
  • 日本化薬
  • 第一三共


2020/05/29 はりきり(Mr)



以下に、CDMOとしての実力を知るために設備を中心に情報をまとめました。設備については知る機会がなかなかありませんが、EirGenixの設備について、360°で詳細を見ることができます(virtual tour)。

Cell Line DevelopmentDNA to stable cell line
cell line : CHO, NS0, PER.C6, E.coli, Pichia
identified in 19 weeks
serum-free medium screening platform
Cell BankingcGMP production facilities for MCB and WCB
Process Development1) Upstream
-1. process optimization, troubleshooting, media, feeding, process parameter
– mammalian: flask, 2L, 5L, 50L SUB
– microbial: 2L, 20L fermentor
2) Downstream
-1. experience
– mammalian: recombinant protein, fusion and mAb
– microbial: inclusion body and soluble, pegylated protein, fusion and Plasmid DNA
-2. equipment
– LCS: AKTA PRIME, AKTA Pilot, AKTA Avant; column size: 1mL HiTrap to 14cmφBPG column
– MF & UF system, UF/DF system,centrifuge of Disc and continuous, tank (316L SS), Homogenizer (Microfluidizer and APV)
3) Formulation
-1. preformulation : Lyophilizer, Stability chamber, programmable controlled freezing and thawing system
4) Purity analysis
– Three Agilent HPLC, one UPLC
Analytical/QC– method development; method transfer; method qualification and validation; stability testing;
Characterization : glycan analysis, glycan profile and ratio, monosaccharide, secondary or more analysis
– Item– Potency/Activity : ELISA, Cell base assay
– Impurity : Host cell DNA, Host cell protein, Protein A residue, Others
– Biological safety : Endotoxin, Bioburden, Microbial enumeration
– Analytical method qualification and validation : Specificity, Linearity & range, Accuracy and precision, LOD/LOQ
– Glycan analysis : N and O-linked carbohydrates site and structure: HPLC/UPLC; N and O-linked glycan mapping and ratio : CE, LE/MS; N-glycan ratio : CE, LC/MS
– Monosaccharide analysis : HPIC
– Secondary and higher order structures: CD (Circular Dichroism), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), Fluorescence Spectrometer
– Heterogeneity analysis : IEF/cIEF, CIX-HPLC
cGMP Manufacturing Mammalian
Certificates : 2005(T-FDA), 2014(T-FDA), 2017(foreign manufacturer)
– GMP facility (bioreactor), 360 virtual tour1st Floor : 10,000ft2
– Media preparation : 50L ~ 700L
– 100L/500L SS
– 50L/200L/1,000L SUB
– Millipore POD and 3M CUNO filtration system
– UF/DF (0.1~14 m2)
– Column : 3mm ~ 10mmφ, 5cm~60cmφ
– one purification room
– one final purification room
– Washer room and autoclave room
– 2 x 2,000L SUB in northern part of Taiwan
– experienceBasically, clinical trial
– Anti-IL20(CHO, PER.C6)
– Anti-HSV (CHO)
– Anti-TNFα(CHO)
– Bio-similars (CHO
cGMP ManufacturingMicrobial
Certificates : 2013(T-FDA), 2014(T-FDA), 2017(foreign manufacturer)
– GMP facility (bioreactor)5th Floor : 4,000ft2
– cell banking area (provide maximum 400 vials/batch)
– inoculation suite
– fermentation & harvest suite
– – fermentor 20L/100L fermentor
– – mixer tank 100L/200L/400L
– – homogenizer 10L/hr, 100L/hr
– purification suite
– – UF/DF 0.5 ~ 5 m2
– – Centrifuge 10~100L semi-continuous
– – Column 3mm ~ 6mmφ, 7cm ~ 45cm
– bulk fill room
– buffer preparation room
– wash & autoclave room
– experience – recombinant proteins
– – soluble protein, Pichia
– – complexes soluble protein, E.coli
– – Pegylated proteins inclusion body, E.coli
– Protein vaccines
– – soluble protein, E.coli
– Bio-similars
– – Inclusion body, E.coli
– Plasmid DNA (E.coli)
SpecialAntibody Drug Conjugate
(Four ADC commercial >60 in clinical in world situation)
– Strategic partnerFormosa Laboratories (58 chemists, 9 process patents)
– high potency drug manufacturing
– 2000L scale of APIs manufacturing
– 50~1000L SS Reactor
– 50~1000L chromatography column
– Isolator (glove box)
– 280L Falling Film Evaporator
– Linkers by partnerLinkers are key component in ADC
EirGenix has partners with the leading linker development companies
2020/05/2o Mr.HARIKIRI


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