[rAAV] 特許 0010468 – rAAV vector精製 – アパタイト・クロマト精製法 (レジメ)- ID13457 ID13457

METHODS FOR PURIFICATION OF RECOMBINANT AAV VECTORS United States Patent Application 20190010468 Kind Code:A1



  • PEG添加でCHT (and CHF)のDBCを100倍の増強
  • All rAAV


1. A method for isolating a population of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) particles from in-process impurities in a feedstream, comprising the steps of:(a) contacting a feedstream containing the rAAV particles with an apatite chromatography medium in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG), wherein the rAAV particles bind to the apatite chromatography medium; and(b) eluting the rAAV particles bound to the apatite chromatography medium with an elution buffer containing less than 3% (w/v) PEG.

2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the apatite chromatography medium is ceramic hydroxy apatite (CHT).

3. The method of claim 1, wherein the apatite chromatography medium is ceramic fluoroapatite (CFT).

4. The method of claim 1, wherein the specific binding of the apatite chroma attooggrraapphhyy mmeeddiiuumm ttoo tthhee xrAAAV particles is between 1014 and 1016 DNase-resistant particles per milliliter (DRP/mL).

5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of binding the rAAV particles in the feedstream eluted from the apatite chromatography medium to an anionic chromatography medium.

6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedstream containing the rAAV particles in step (a) is contacted with an apatite chromatography medium in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and a basic buffer.

7. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer is between pH 7.6 and 10.

8. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer is between pH 8.0 and 10.0. 

9. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer is between pH 9.0 and 10.0.

10. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer comprises borate.

11. The method of claim 1, wherein the PEG has an average molecular weight between about 5,000 (PEG5000) grams per mole and about 15,000 (PEG15000) grams per mole.

12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the PEG has an average molecular weight of about 6,000 (PEG6000) grams per mole.

13. The method of claim 1, wherein the feeds tream containing the rAAV particles in step (a) is contacted with the apatite chromatography medium in the presence of between about 3% (w/v) and about 10% (w/v) PEG.


1. A method for isolating a population of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) particles from in-process impurities in a feedstream, comprising the steps of: (a) (i) contacting a feedstream containing the rAAV particles with an apatite chromatography medium in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG), wherein the rAAV particles bind to the apatite chromatography medium; and (ii) eluting the rAAV particles bound to the apatite chromatography medium with an elution buffer containing less than 3% (w/v) PEG; and (b) (i) contacting the feedstream eluted from the apatite chromatography medium containing the rAAV particles with a hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) medium in a high salt buffer comprising citrate, wherein the rAAV particles and the in-process impurities bind to the HIC medium; and (ii) eluting the rAAV particles bound to the HIC medium with a medium salt buffer.  

2. The method of claim 1, wherein the apatite chromatography medium is ceramic hydroxyapatite (CHT) or ceramic fluoroapatite.  

3. 35. (canceled)  

6. The method of claim 1, wherein the feedstream containing the rAAV particles in step (a)(i) is contacted with an apatite chromatography medium in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and a basic buffer.  

7. (canceled)  

8. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer is between pH 8.0 and 10.0.  

9. (canceled)  

10. The method of claim 6, wherein the basic buffer comprises borate.  

11. The method of claim 1, wherein the PEG has an average molecular weight between about 5,000 (PEG5000) grams per mole and about 15,000 (PEG15000) grams per mole.  

12. (canceled) 

TABLE 2. Screening of resins for binding of rAAV-1 compared to binding of process contaminants

ResinResin TyperAAV-1Helper VirusHost Cell DNASerum AlbuminSerum Proteins
UnoS pH 5.5Cation Exchange+0++
UnoS pH 7.0Cation Exchange
UnoQ pH 8.5Anion Exchange+++++++++++
UnoQ pH 7.0Anion Exchange++++++++++++
Fractogel EMD SO3Cation Exchange+++00
HIC PhenylHydrophobic Exchange00
HIC ButylHydrophobic Exchange+++00
HIC HexylHydrophobic Exchange+++00
HIC PPGHydrophobic Exchange00
Source SIon Exchange+00++0
Source QIon Exchange+00++0
TMAEIon Exchange+00++0
IMAC FeCl300++
Superdex 200Gel Filtrationvoidvoidchasechasechase
HW55Gel Filtrationvoidvoidchasechasechase
HW65Gel Filtrationvoidvoidchasechasechase
HW75Gel Filtrationvoidvoidchasechasechase
Key: (−) = present in flow-through (no binding); + = weakly bound (eluted very early in the gradient); ++ to ++++ = stronger binding (eluted further along the gradient).

TABLE 3. Relative strength of binding of rAAV-1 and BSA to apatite resin at pH = 6.5 or pH = 9.0, with or without 5% (w/v) PEG6000

Binding conditionsBSA5% (w/v) PEG6000
pH = 6.50+++
pH = 6.50 + 5% (w/v) PEG6000++++++
pH = 9.0++
pH = 9.00 + 5% (w/v) PEG6000+++++
Key: + = weak binding;, ++ = medium binding; ++++ = strong 

TABLE4. Glucan clearance in the process

Processing stepGlucan concentration (ng/mL)Total amount per lot (ng) (250 L scale)
CHT elution1.94,769
Post HIC and SEC0.2662
Final Anion Exchange Eluate0.171

TABLE 5. Screening for AAV1 binding in alternative buffers

Total infectious units of Ad5 in CHT column fractionsFraction
Load ratio6.6 mL13.5 mL33 mL
Load9.0 × 1081.3 × 109 9.0 × 108
Flowthrough + chase<2.5 × 105<3.6 × 105<6.9 × 105
POWash2.9 × 1062.7 × 106<2.6 × 106
Washes II & III3.6 × 1062.2 × 106 2.8 × 106
Elution<6.9 × 104<6.9 × 104<3.5 × 105
Log reduction value (LRV)>4.1>4.3>3.4




  • 吸着性は、酸性pHで強くなり、アルカリ性pHで低くなる
  • 吸着性は、塩濃度が高い程強くなる。ただし、塩の分子量に依存しており、分子量が大きいほど強くなる
  • この表の結果では、この経験則に反しているように見える。このような場合、以下の考察が必要であると考える
    • 塩の種類による可溶性の向上/不要化の促進があるかも知れない
  • 考えられる考察
    • アルカリ性と酸性では、酸性の方が可溶的である
Buffer System TestedButyl 650M (% in flow-through)EMD-Phenyl (% in flow-through)
1.1M Sodium Sulfate (pH = 7)0%0%
1M Sodium Citrate (pH = 7)0%0%
1.3M Potassium Phosphate (pH = 7)3%3%
2.9M NaCl, 50 mM Sodium Citrate (pH = 4)0%28%
1M Glycine, 50 mM Sodium Citrate (pH = 4)4%1%
50 mM Potassium Phosphate (pH =4.5)3%NT
50 mM Sodium Citrate (pH 4)4%NT
2.9M NaCl, 50 mM Potassium Phosphate (pH 4.5)17%NT

TABLE 7. Relative binding of rAAV-1 versus model in-process impurities in different HIC buffers


Buffer SystemrAAV-1Ad5DNA
0.1M sodium sulfate + bis tris buffer, pH = 7.0+++
0.8M sodium sulfate, bis tris buffer, pH = 7.0+++0
1M sodium citrate, pH = 7.0+++0
2.9M NaCl (50 mM sodium citrate to buffer at pH = 4.0)0
Key: “0” = no binding material present in flow-through; “−” = very weak binder; “+” = strong binder; “++” = stronger binder.


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[rAAV] 特許 0010468 – rAAV vector精製 – アパタイト・クロマト精製法 (レジメ)- ID13457 ID13457


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