今日の英語 – 温泉関連 – 効能 … [2021/01/07]


General Indications (一般効能)
neuralgia (神経痛),
muscle pain (筋肉痛),
joint pain (関節痛),
frozen or stiff shoulder (40肩),
joint stiffness (関節のこわばり),
motor paralysis (運動麻痺),
bruises (うちみ),
sprains (ねんざ),
hemorrhoid (痔核),
chronic debilitating diseases (慢性消耗性疾患),
excessive sensitivity to cold (冷え症),
recuperation from an illness(病気からの回復),
recovery from fatigue (疲労回復),
Health Improvement (体質改善)
Indication for deferent types of hot spring (温泉別効能)
cuts (切り傷),
burns (やけど),
weak or sickly children (虚弱児童),
chronic female diseases (慢性婦人病)